A simple cleaning schedule that anyone can keep up with

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Here’s how to create a simple cleaning schedule with assigned tasks for each day of the week that will help you stay on track and keep your house clean!

Here I want to help walk you through a simple cleaning schedule that you can keep up with on a daily & weekly basis.

As a homeschooling Mom of 5, keeping the house clean is an on-going job.

Since we are home for 90% of the time, the house gets messy & dirty pretty quick! I am a type A person, a recovering perfectionist, and an easily overwhelmed person, so having a cleaning schedule put in place is super helpful for me (and keeping my kids on track too).

Since implementing a weekly cleaning schedule, my house has stayed cleaner longer and it has helped us save time cleaning overall. Instead of cramming ALL of the chores into a Saturday morning cleaning rush (which is what I grew up doing), we break down the week into different parts of the house. So while the house isn’t 100% clean in every room every day, it is overall cleaner and tidier.

How to create your own cleaning schedule

Creating your own cleaning schedule is really quite simple to do and doesn’t need to be over-complicated.

First things first, think of all of the different areas of the home and how tasks can be broken up. It can be helpful to cover all of the bases to start with: the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, and bedrooms.

Then, break up the areas of the home with different tasks. For instance, you might decide to clean bathrooms every Monday. You can then add tasks to your Monday cleaning list such as cleaning off countertops, scrubbing toilets, washing mirrors, etc. Then it’s just a matter of doing this same thing with every part of the house.

Sample Weekly House Cleaning Routine

This is an example of what a cleaning routine COULD look like. This doesn’t have to necessarily be your routine, but just an idea to get you started with.

Monday: Bathrooms

  • Clean the shower & bathtub
  • Wipe down sink & countertops
  • Scrub toilets
  • Change towels & restock toiletries
  • Empty Trash bins
  • Sweep & mop floors

Tuesday: Kitchen

  • Deep clean sink & countertops
  • Clean out fridge & toss old food
  • Change towels, sponges, etc.
  • Sweep & mop floors
  • Empty trash & recycle bins
  • Wipe down appliances & cabinets

Wednesday: Bedrooms

  • Dust furniture
  • Wash bedding
  • Sweep floors
  • Tidy all belongings
  • Fold & put away laundry

Thursday: Living Areas

  • Dust furniture
  • Tidy belongings
  • Sweep floors
  • Wash blankets & throws
  • Clean under cushions & furniture

Friday: Various tasks

  • Wash windows
  • Clean baseboards (rotate a new room each week of the month)
  • organize closets
  • spot clean floors

Weekend: Damage control

  • Laundry
  • Tidy Up
  • Meal plan & prep
  • Keep rooms organized

Once you’ve figured out your perfect cleaning schedule, you can print it out to stay on track!

If you still don’t know what your cleaning routine should look like, grab my FREE cleaning checklist at the bottom of this article OR get the editable version here.

This doesn’t need to be hard. Download, print, and start using this right away!

Why print out a cleaning schedule

There was a study done on 267 participants regarding goal setting and reaching them. It was found that people are 42% more likely to reach their goals if they had written it down.

Now, a cleaning schedule might not seem like a goal, but sticking to it certainly is. And if you want to actually stick to your cleaning schedule, then writing it down or printing it out will be a huge asset to you!

Once I finalized my own cleaning routine, I printed it out, laminated it, stuck on some magnetic strips, and hung it up on the fridge. It stays there as a daily reminder to myself and my kids as what needs to be cleaned for the day. It’s also helpful to point my kids back to the schedule if they forget exactly what tasks need done, because in our house, EVERYONE pitches in with the cleaning. Even the kids.

Read Next: One simple way to keep your house clean daily with kids at home

How to stick to your new weekly cleaning routine

Repetition is key to sticking with anything. That’s why I recommend printing out a cleaning schedule and hanging it up in a place that you see everyday – like the fridge.

Then, you just need to hold yourself accountable by taking daily action and getting your checklist crossed off. There’s really nothing to it.

Once you stay on track with your new routine, you’ll quickly realize that it becomes habit and better yet, your house will stay clean!

The more you clean, the less you’ll need to – does that make sense???
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