Hi, I’m Heather!

Head Crazy pants here.

Why call me Crazy?

Simply put, I AM a little bit nuts by today’s modern standards.

Let’s see…

I am a Mom of 5 boys.

I home school my kids.

I birth my babies at home.

I do my best to live a non-toxic, natural lifestyle.

I create my own income from my blog & photography business – all from home, so that I don’t have to leave my children in daycare.

I don’t follow mainstream culture. In fact, I basically run the opposite direction of mainstream (because you know what they say about the crowd, right?).

All in all, I am just a girl next door following her intuition and not giving two hoots about what other people might think of that.

I started this blog back in 2018 and originally I had planned on sharing photography business tips.

But then I got bored.

Then I switched the niche to Moms in business.

But that didn’t feel right either.

Then I thought about blogging about mental health.

But I didn’t feel qualified enough for that.

So I changed my niche to homemaking.

But it just didn’t give me the spark that I was looking for.

So after 6 years of treading water and not really knowing what to do with this space, I had an idea that lit me up brighter than my last birthday cake.

(any guesses how many candles that was?)

I have been basically on a non-toxic & natural lifestyle journey for the past 17 years.

I have learned A LOT. Read A LOT. Experienced A LOT. And I have tried more products and recipes than you can imagine.

It’s been my life. And I LOVE it!

So I thought to myself, why not share what I’ve learned?! I might not be an expert, but I certainly can share a thing or two about natural living, reducing toxins, and approaching health from a holistic view.

After struggling many years with my mental health & now on a journey to heal my chronic physical symptoms, I am excited to share my findings here.

I write reviews because I’ve been duped too many times by “crunchy” influencers trying to sell me something that really wasn’t all that.

I share frugal recipes because natural living shouldn’t have to break your wallet or have you reaching for your kid’s piggy bank.

I share wellness tips & ideas to make the journey feel a little bit lighter – because going low-tox shouldn’t feel stressful.

Here, you can avoid the crunchy life confusion & learn alongside a guru with over 17 years of experience.

Looking to ditch your current products and switch to safer options?

Check out my product reviews here (with even more to come!)

Try out my DIY non-toxic recipes here

Shop my FAVORITE things here. These are products that I use daily and are fully vetted to be safe & natural choices.