Low-tox living, inside & out

Low-tox living, inside & out

Everything that we put in our body, our environment, and in our minds, can directly impact the quality of our health and wellness. My mission here to simplify the low-tox lifestyle so that you can make healthier choices for yourself & your family,

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Hey, there!

Hey, there!

I'm Heather - head crazy pants over here. I'm a burnt- out business owner turned happy homemaker & loving the freedom that this lifestyle switch has created for my life! It took me 5 kids & a chronic illness to realize that life is too precious to be anything but healthy, inside and out. Here I like to share fun and simple ways to live a low-tox life to be a healthier, happier you!

Living the Natural Life

Ditch & Switch your products

Ditch & Switch your products

Ditch the stress & confusion of knowing which natural products are the safest (and the ones that REALLY work). Here you'll find some of my favorite & most accessible natural, low-tox products