30 powerful affirmations to know during childbirth and labor

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Positive affirmations can seem like a trend in modern society, but their success is backed by scientific evidence.

This rings true for all things in life, especially in hard, physcial situations like childbirth.

They say that you can convince your mind of anything. So when you use affirmations, you can “trick” (or I prefer the term re-wire) your brain to think differently than you normally would.

Because childbirth can be a very intense experience without knowing what to expect, having positive affirmations at the ready can help calm your mind of racing negative thoughts.

These positive thoughts can have a direct impact on how you encounter your own labor experience!

Personally, using affirmations during pregnancy and labor is a GAME-CHANGER.

As someone who’s had 5 distinct natural & un-medicated births, I can attest to the effectiveness of birth affirmations and positive self-talk.

With my first baby, I was committed to having a completely natural birth at home.

I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I didn’t want to put my baby at risk with using common interventions. I also knew that I had no idea what to expect, so I planned and prepared myself (and my mind) for an intense birth experience.

My husband and I took Bradley classes together over the course of 12 weeks and we took everything that we learned to heart.

So once it came down to the main event, I was fully prepared.

I then went on to have 4 more natural births, but I found that they all varied in levels of pain depending on how I had prepared for the birth prior.

The best births that I experienced were the ones where my mind was strong.

Especially with my last birth.

It was my 5th baby (3rd at home) and I had prepared myself mentally months in advance.

I knew that things would be intense, so I wanted to make sure that I got through the hardest parts of labor without feeling out of control.

My baby ended up being posterior (sunny side up), which made transition last longer than normal and very, VERY hard.

If it hadn’t been for my many months of mentally preparing for this, I am not sure how my mind could have handled that birth to be honest.

That’s why I am passionate about affirmations for childbirth and labor.

I know that women are strong and that we can handle hard births, but sometimes those positive reminders really help us get through it.

These are some of my FAVORITE affirmations to repeat & say during labor. You can also download all of these affirmation cards here.

1. My body was made for this

2. I can do hard things

3. This is my gift to the baby

4. I can and I will

5. My body knows what to do

6. I can surrender to the surges

7. My baby & I are working together

8. I get to meet my baby today

9. I can do anything for 60 seconds

10. I am relaxed & calm

11. This is the day we’ve been waiting for

12. I am never alone

13. I trust my body

14. I have all of the strength inside of me

15. I can, I am, I will

16. My baby gives me strength

17. Amazing things are happening

18. I am a warrior for my baby

19. I am powerful

20. My body is capable and strong

21. This pain has a purpose

22. I get to bring life into the world

23. The pain is strong, but so am I

24. I am no afraid

25. I get to hold my baby soon

26. This will not last forever

27. I can do amazing things

28. I am in control

29. I am surrounded by love

30. My baby is strong and healthy

Having a successful natural labor is 90% mindset and these affirmation cards can help keep your mind on track during childbirth. These affirmation cards are a simple way to support and encourage positive thoughts during labor to increase your chances of a healthy, happy, unmedicated birth!

Print them out and display how you like. Can be hung, stacked in a deck, or framed in your birth space.

Download your set of labor affirmation cards here & best wishes for a happy, healthy birth!

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