Maybe you’ve heard that fragrance is toxic. Maybe you haven’t.
If you’re remotely interested in your health or living a lower-tox life, then you might have heard rumors or your favorite social media influencers go on about the dangers of fragrance.
But why?
What’s the big deal about fragrance?
Why is bad for you health?
Do you REALLY need to toss out those Yankee candles and switch to fragrance-free options?
We are going to uncover the catch-all phrase of fragrance and reasons why you’ll want to avoid them like the plague (because yes, they REALLY are that bad even if they smell good).
What is fragrance?
Your first thought that comes to mind when you hear the word fragrance might be perfume, cologne, or body splash that you may or may not have doused yourself in every morning before heading off to middle school.
But fragrance is in so much more than just body sprays!
Fragrance can be found in shampoo, lotion, laundry & dish detergent, and scented kids products like markers, stickers, and glue.
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6 reasons to avoid fragrance
So that you can be empowered with the truth & make healthier choices for you, your family, & the environment!
Fragrance is an umbrella term of toxic ingredients
Fragrance isn’t just a single ingredient. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA)lists roughly 4,000 materials that are used in fragrance compounds. YIKES.
These chemicals have been linked to serious health complications including cancer.
But you want to know the scariest part?
Companies are not required to disclose what chemicals & ingredients that are used in their formulation. So you really have NO IDEA what you’re putting on yourself when you use fragrance.
It’s best to just avoid fragrance altogether.
Fragrance can lead to serious health complications
Not only can fragrance trigger acute symptoms like headaches, asthma attacks, cardiovascular & neurological problems, they can also affect the endocrine system (hormones) that affects fertility.
This isn’t just a recipe for your hormones being affected, but can also increase your risk for hormone-related cancers such as thyroid, ovarian, uterine, breast, and prostate.
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners published a report that tested 338 different fragrance chemicals found in 25 popular personal care products. They found that a number of chemicals were known carcinogens, and that 99 of the chemicals had links to at least one health concern.
Want to know what the top offender on their list?
A children’s shampoo from a hair-relaxing kit that’s marketed to colored kids. KIDS.
Number 8 on the list (OGX shampoo) is also alarming, since this line of shampoo & conditioners is marketed as “green & sustainable.” AKA 100% green-washed.
Fragrance contains Phthalates
Phthalates are a class of chemicals that contain endocrine-disrupting properties. They are associated with health risks such as cancer, asthma, allergies, and learning/behavioral challenges in kids.
Phthalates have been linked to a higher risk of breast & hormone-related cancer in women.
Phthalates aren’t just found in fragrance, they can also be found in everyday items such as kitchenware, toys, paint, cosmetics, and personal care products.
Since the exact ingredients don’t have to be disclosed when it comes to fragrance, you literally don’t know if the fragrance listed contains phthalates or not. It’s best to just avoid fragrance altogether and choose fragrance-free options.
Fragrance companies are self-regulated
Current laws do not provide the FDA with the authority to require disclosure or public safety of fragrance ingredients. This means that in the USA, companies don’t have to disclose their full ingredients list in order to preserve the recipe / trade secrets of the product.
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) develop and set voluntary standards for chemicals in the “fragrance” component of products. The US, Canada, and Europe rely on IFRA and RIFM to identify ingredients for use in fragrance.
When it all boils down, this means the international Fragrance industry is self-regulating.
Fragrance is bad for the environment
Chemical vapors in fragrance, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can cause ozone pollution.
This happens because VOCs react with sunlight to form ozone pollution, and, as this study finds, also react with other chemicals in the atmosphere to form fine particulates in the air.
Thus, polluting our air and the environment we live in.
But can a little bit of fragrance here and there REALLY cause damage to the ozone?
This hasn’t been determined yet, but I am not willing to test out the compound effect over time in the name of “smelling good”, are you?
Fragrance is truly the wolf is sheep’s clothing, but you don’t have to completely go scent-free!
Poofy Organics makes so many products that smell amazing without fragrance.
They make incredible body sprays for men and women without the cancer-causing ingredients, organic candle melts to uplift the scent in your home, & organic air fresheners / odor eliminators.
Looking to ditch more your current products and switch to safer options?
Check out my product reviews here (more to come!)
Check out Ingredients you should avoid here (continually being updated)
Shop my FAVORITE products here. These are products that I use daily that are much cleaner, safer options.