How to write a blog post in an hour or less

One of the biggest things about blogging that many people face is feeling like they don’t have the time to do it. If you’re a…


One of the biggest things about blogging that many people face is feeling like they don’t have the time to do it.

If you’re a business owner, then adding in blogging to your marketing plan can seem a bit daunting, especially if your time is already spread a bit thin.

But, blogging can be such a huge asset for you business that can really help you stand apart from the crowd – so it’s essential to consider adding it to your weekly or monthly marketing tasks.

Read next: 6 reasons you should be blogging for your business

When you’re an inexperienced blogger, or just don’t do it all that much, it CAN certainly eat up a lot of time (and it probably will).

But, having the right plan in motion, you can tremendously cut down on that time and punch out blog posts in an hour or less.

From one blogging business owner to another, I am here to confidently say that writing posts can easily be adding into your weekly tasks, even if you’ve got a hoard of screaming kids in the background (or is that just me???).

So, let’s go over the fundamental ways to cut some corners so you can write a blog post in an hour or less!



Create blog templates

Using workflow systems, including templates, is the first step to writing blog posts quickly.

From your blog layout to the graphics that you use in your blog posts, using templates will speed up your productivity and overall blogging time.

Templates can include Pinterest graphics for your posts, headers and footers, overall blog writing style and headings, and the layout of how your blogs are written.

I like to have ready-made Canva templates on hand so I can just change up the wording and photos quickly and be done with it.

This not only saves me tons of time, but it also helps my blog look more cohesive and my Pins for recognizable on Pinterest.


Draft outlines

Nothing sucks down time quite as fast as not knowing what to write.

Then you are sitting there, at your computer, frozen and unsure what to say and how to say it.

This is why drafting out your blog posts ahead of time can be such a game-changer when it comes to saving time blogging.

Related: How to create blog posts your readers want to read

What I like to do is come up with a whole month’s worth of blog post topics, and from there I draft out each blog into separate topics. Typically I jot down my ideas in a notebook and make sure to include all the major points I want to cover in my blog.

Then, when I am ready to write my blog post, I know exactly what I am going to cover and it makes writing so much faster!

Pro tip: if you’re stuck on your intro and how to get your blog started, skip it! Go straight to the major points of your blog and once you are nice and warmed up, the words for your intro will come easier. Don’t get bogged down on what to say, just type away and you can always edit your draft later!


Batch working

This is so essential for blogging, especially if you aim to put out multiple blog posts a week.

I seriously don’t know how I would stay on top of my blogging if I didn’t batch work.

So what can you batch in blogging?

Well, a lot actually!

Pinterest pins, blog graphics, headlines, blog outlines, and layout are just to name a few.

This is how I batch work for my blogging in a nutshell:

1. Create a blog calendar with topics I want to cover for the month

2. Write down all of my blog topics in a journal with main points I want to cover – AKA my outline (I’ve recently switched to just typing these up in WordPress so there are there in a draft ready to go!)

3. Research the best headline for my blog and SEO

4. Look for photos to use in my graphics. I either pull these from my own photos or purchase a stock photo.

That’s really it! Once I get down to batch-working, it only takes me about an hour to come up with all of my blog post ideas, headlines, and outlines so they are ready to be worked on.

Then when the time comes to blog, I am ready and can just jump right in without having to put much thought into it (and as a Mom of 4, this is especially important!)

Headline research

The same goes with coming up with catchy headlines – skip it if it doesn’t come to you right away.

Ultimately, researching headlines should also be included into your batch work, so when you go to blog, half the battle is already won (between your headline and your main topics).

I don’t like to come up with headlines on the fly, for time-saving and SEO purposes, so this goes into my monthly blogging batch day.

I use this headline analyzer to help me create the best headlines.

Once you have the right headline into place, along with a general draft, it will tremendously speed up your blogging time and create an even better workflow for your blog!

When it all boils down, being as prepared as possible going into a blog post is what matters the most.

So when you can make a plan, create a workflow, and stick to it, you are setting yourself up for the greatest outcome – both in blogging and in overall business.

If you found these tips helpful, please do us a favor and pin this image on Pinterest to share it with others like you that could use a little help in the blogging department.

And just for the record, I started writing this blog (without a draft or headline pre-written as I have a newborn and this was written on the fly) at 1:17pm and finished at 2:09pm.

Just under an hour! – and that was with a needy toddler wanting me to get him snacks every 5 seconds and a baby sleeping on my chest – ha!

So, if I can accomplish that, then so can you my friend!


  1. This post is so essential. As a mom of five boys, I feel like I have minimal time. I will definitely be using the tips you shared in this post! Thank you so much!

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